Mary Pagones
Equestrian Fiction

Mary Pagones is the author of the popular Fortune’s Fool equestrian fiction series. She is also the author of two YA novels—Pride, Prejudice, and Personal Statements and The Horse is Never Wrong—as well as the mystery novel A Study in Scarlet Marquis: Sherlock Holmes and the Trials of Oscar Wilde. She is also the author of the m/m romance Unspeakable Vice under the pen name of Quinn Wilde.
A graduate of Wesleyan University and Harvard Divinity School, and the veteran of many creative writing workshops (including Annie Dillard’s, Amy Bloom’s, and Jill McCorkle’s), she makes her home in New Jersey. She lived for two years in the United Kingdom, in Birmingham and London. Mary rides dressage at a level Simon O' Shaughnessy would find very boring, and also loves running, listening to podcasts, drinking coffee, and yoga. In short, her writing is far more exciting than her real life.